粉末みそふりふるギフトボックス 40g×4種類
ギフトやお中元、お歳暮にはもちろん、自分へのご褒美にもいかがでしょうか。 食卓に彩りを添える、美味しさのポイントはその風味豊かな味わいにあります。食欲をそそる和だし、米味噌、具材が一層引き立つ辛み、さらに深みのある味わい。豊かなバリエーションが楽しめるので、毎日の料理がちょっぴり特別な時間に変わります。ぜひこのギフトボックスで、まるでプロの味をご家庭で楽しんでみてください。
The Miso Powder Furi Furu gift box, ideal for gift-giving, is now available!
This package offers four different flavors (Original, Aged, Organic powdered miso 2x malt, and Runner beans miso powdered) to add more flavor to your dishes. Enjoy the rich flavor and deep richness of the special miso powder, which adds charm to a wide range of dishes such as rice, side dishes, and soups. Why not pursue a higher grade of flavor with a sprinkle in your busy daily life?
We have planned this gift box because Myogi Miso has been well received by many of our customers, and we have received many requests for it as a gift. With the idea of "multiplying the joy of giving" in mind, we have carefully selected the best ingredients and carefully crafted each product.
How about a gift, a midyear gift, a year-end gift, or even a treat for yourself? The key to its deliciousness lies in its flavorful taste, which adds color to your dining table. The Japanese soup stock and rice miso stimulate the appetite, the spiciness enhances the ingredients, and the flavor has even more depth. The rich variety of flavors will make your everyday cooking a little more special. We hope you will enjoy the professional taste at home with this gift box.
Please avoid direct sunlight high temperature and humidity. Please check the expiration date on the product before consuming it.